A circular world
Modern life exists on the remnants of billions of bygone years. The Earth is a rich resource, but right now we take. We use. Then we take some more. This linear process has become normality, but depletion is no longer the way to do things.
Advances in understanding and technological innovation have blessed us with the ability to re-circulate the Earth's valuable resources.
To design for the future, we can now use what we have and eliminate the need to dig up more of the past.
This is a ‘Circular Economy’ and it is the approach we take to everything we create.

Sustaining our future
Every action Arksen takes is viewed with the lens of a never-ending life cycle. Product design. Partnership choice. Charity support. This, after all, is why our company was formed in the first place.
Our goals and targets are driven by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which stand for peace and prosperity, for people and the planet. This is not just a responsibility; it is also an opportunity to shape the future.
We aim to inspire and educate everyone in these principles and philosophies, to not only follow them ourselves but also to encourage our suppliers and customers to follow them too.

Circular design
The ability to reduce the impact of a product starts with careful design. Thoughtful choices and intelligent early-stage planning can dramatically alter the lifespan and footprint of a product. This is core to our in-depth design process and seeks to:
- Design out waste
- Design for easy maintenance and repair
- Design effciently to reduce power demands
- Design to use recycled or sustainable materials
- Design systems to reduce hotel loads
- Design for multi-use
- Design for end-of-life recycling
- Design to facilitate future upgrades

The sustainability journey is continuous. We are working with Future Plus to undertake an Environmental, Social and corporate Governance (ESG) assessment as we seek to set the benchmark for our industry.